Trident Clan   Fantastic Five Fantastic Five
13 13
37 37
74597 74597
Net Worth
93924 93924
26 Assists 81

Player statistics

Name (Trident Clan) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
4 or idc 21 1/9/5 99 4 8256
Munkushi~ 26 4/4/6 528 2 25052
hard to die 19 2/11/6 208 17 12468
antoha 15 1/8/5 36 0 6250
Yaroslav Vasylenko 25 5/5/4 374 6 22571
Name (Fantastic Five) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
SuperNova 26 7/0/19 324 24 21081
Le don 21 2/7/12 37 0 9452
Faded 28 10/2/15 571 5 32404
Askold 25 10/1/16 367 5 23004
Stanislav Glushan 21 8/3/19 53 5 7983
Trident Clan   Fantastic Five Fantastic Five
15 15
11 11
55704 55704
Net Worth
43014 43014
44 Assists 27

Player statistics

Name (Trident Clan) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
4 or idc 15 1/2/13 46 1 6942
Munkushi~ 22 5/0/5 354 5 17698
hard to die 16 2/3/9 136 5 10121
antoha 12 2/6/9 12 4 4793
Yaroslav Vasylenko 17 5/2/8 269 4 16150
Name (Fantastic Five) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
SuperNova 14 1/5/10 159 11 8896
Le don 14 5/2/4 54 3 6458
Faded 17 1/2/1 307 5 13518
Askold 15 2/2/6 163 11 10211
Stanislav Glushan 10 2/4/6 27 4 3931
Trident Clan   Fantastic Five Fantastic Five
14 14
29 29
48973 48973
Net Worth
71509 71509
28 Assists 76

Player statistics

Name (Trident Clan) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
4 or idc 15 4/8/5 49 3 7108
Munkushi~ 20 3/6/4 307 15 13140
hard to die 16 0/4/6 161 8 8875
antoha 13 2/5/10 30 0 3392
Yaroslav Vasylenko 19 5/7/3 284 3 16458
Name (Fantastic Five) LevelK/D/ALast HitDeniesNet Worth
SuperNova 21 1/3/19 171 1 13221
Le don 18 5/5/20 49 4 8464
Faded 25 11/0/10 412 15 25333
Askold 22 8/2/12 229 4 16523
Stanislav Glushan 18 4/4/15 57 5 7968


1 2 3 T
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 2


  • Map 1 Winner - Fantastic Five
  • Map 2 Winner - Trident Clan


  • Best of Sets: 3